George joined Founder's Pledge in August of 2022. With his bachelor's studying Creative Writing and Film Studies from the University of Hull, George had once hoped to become a writer, but instead found his comfort working within the technical space. A long-term fan of computers (having built his first at age 11), he found the transition from the creative to the professional a relatively natural one - although he maintains his creative spirit through a blend of writing, singing, and photography.
Q: If you could choose anyone famous (real or fictional) to have dinner with who would they be and why?
Probably Walt Disney - he seems so authentic about himself in interviews, and seems like he'd be a fantastic conversationalist. I also deeply admire his sense of creativity and imagination.
Q: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a pizza delivery driver. I thought it meant you'd get free pizza whenever you liked.
Q: If a movie was made of your life what genre would it be, who would play you?
It would be a biopic about travelling and eating food. I hope Jason Mamoa would be available to get involved in the project.