Matt joined Founders Pledge as Research Director in July 2021. He is a social scientist by training and inclination, but his career has been pretty varied so far. He has led surveys of entrepreneurs in Egypt, written software to evaluate returns to education in the US, and given an interview in (broken) Spanish on drive-time radio in Medellín. He received his BA from NYU and his MA in quantitative social science from Columbia.
Outside of work, Matt likes to play guitar, draw cartoons, and learn languages.
Q: If you could choose anyone famous (real or fictional) to have dinner with who would they be and why?
Nancy Mitford, with full confidence that she'd be as funny in person as she was in print.
Q: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A theoretical physicist. I think I just liked the sound of it.
Q: If a movie was made of your life what genre would it be, who would play you?
I'd play myself, naturally, in a mockumentary about "my" time as a champion skee-ball player trying to transition into electoral politics.