I'm a Product and Growth enthusiast with nearly 10 years of experience in the product management space where I have implemented innovative initiatives that have contributed to the hyper-growth of two startups, but over the last years I've been asking myself: How am I truly helping the world? I’m passionate about innovation, creating new things and collaborating with driven people to pursue innovative projects that have a positive impact in the world, which is why I was drawn to Founders Pledge because our mission of helping entrepreneurs change the world through effective giving and their unique projects aligns perfectly with my passion and expertise.
Q: If you could choose anyone famous (real or fictional) to have dinner with who would they be and why?
Carl Jung
Q: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
An Astronaut
Q: If a movie was made of your life what genre would it be, who would play you?
Dramatic comedy for sure, Woddy Allen style